SSP 3.0b: Web Development & Technology

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Systemwide Strategic Priorities

This is the group blog for the Systemwide Strategic Priorities initiative, specifically for effort 3.0 B.

The mission of this group is:

1. Create or upgrade system to remove junk email. Study other user needs for effective communication.

2. Redesign PLCMC website to streamline access to information and allow personalization features including branch profiles, RSS, and mobile access. Evaluate websites for impact and effectiveness. Implement strategies to reorganize or eliminate content in order to maximize use.

3. Replace PC's and upgrade technology infrastructure.

4. Develop and implement strategies to introduce gaming programs and measure impact.

5. Review and revamp as needed public technology offerings; study customer interests and needs; consider offering classes on new personal recreational technologies; develop class topics and curriculum; train staff; consider "pack & go" classes that could be offered in multiple locations.


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